Answers of Contest 6 Set 3

  1. Benito Mussolini.
  • First Clue - Romano Mussolini, his youngest son was a well appreciated jazz pianist, painter and an unsuccessful film producer.
  • Second Clue - Benitto Mussolini was initially a radical socialist, later was instrumental in the creation of Fascism, an ideology which was strongly anti-communist.
  • Third Clue - Lover of Eva - Adolf Hitler, was a friend.
2. Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu /Mother Teresa

3. Logo of
Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU).

Rashtrapati Bhavan, New Delhi

5. The Connection is
the Only players to score a century on the debut test match of their countries.
Consider the figures in clockwise direction.
  • Charles Bannerman (Australia) - 165* vs England, 1877 (it was also the first ever test match - he faced the very first test ball bowled)
  • David Houghton (Zimbabwe) - 121 vs India, 1992
  • Aminul Isalm (Bangladesh) - 145 vs India, 2000


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